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Mitchell O'Mahoney

Winner Art in the vines
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I love drawing. If I didn't love it so much for so long I would never have had the dedication to work so hard at refining my skill. I do believe everyone can draw, all you need is the motivation to keep going. So often I hear of people's hard work dismissed as 'talent' or a 'gift'. Perhaps that's why I love this quote from Michaelangelo so much:


"If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all."



I am lucky enough to be one of those students who showed more interest in drawing on desks than writing in books. The world of words and numbers has never held my interest the way pictures have. From early on, the pencil has been my favourite tool. 


Having dabbled in just about every other medium since, I kept returning to the pencil. I studied the drawing mediums at the Gold Coast Art School in QLD for four years under tutor Tony Champ. And furthered my training through workshops and courses in book illustration and business for artists, but something was still missing...


It was a momentous occasion, one hot steamy day in Vietnam ,when I came across a great mentor of traditional art. There amid the hustle and bustle of Quang Ngai City, I found Mr Khe. From the basics of measurement to cross contouring, cast drawing and life drawing, the techniques of the Great Masters became demystified. I am so excited to now share these techniques with students and professional artists in the Hunter Valley, Australia.

© 2016 by Drawing On Tradition

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